Monday, October 15, 2012

HEA Members Forum Update

Regular HEA/AEEC Meetings
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
10:45 AM -- Operations and Special Projects

1:00 PM -- Finance Committee
3:00 PM -- AEEC Board Meeting
5:30 PM -- HEA Board Meeting

Location: Starting this month meetings take place in the Kenai Offices at 280 Airport Way. Video conferencing is available in the Homer Offices at 3977 Lake Street, 907-235-8551. Draft agendas are now available on the HEA website at There are sometimes last minute changes in scheduling, so check the website.

HEA Energy and Conservation Fair
Saturday November 3, 2012, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Kenai Middle School
Saturday November 10, 2012, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, West Homer Elementary School
Workshops, demonstrations, speakers, and exhibitors related to all aspects of energy alternatives and conservation.

Rate Increase
As of October 1 the Cost of Power Adjustment (COPA) increased from 3.603 to 4.884 cents per kWh. This raised your blended rate from 16.362 to 17.643 cents/kWh, or about $8.07 for a member using 630 kWh/month.The increase is due to lower than anticipated power availability from Bradley Lake due to maintenance work and improvements requiring longer than expected, increasing purchase of more expensive natural gas based energy.

Expected Rate Increase
If HEA decides to participate in Chugach Electric Association's new Southcentral Power Project, our wholesale cost of power is expected to increase by almost 5%. Pending RCA approval, the increase could be expected as of January 1, 2013. This is a first taste of how construction of new generation assets will begin increasing your electric rates in the near future.

HEA Line Extension Change
A Design and Engineering Agreement and Construction Agreement along with associated language for the proposed new line extension tariff has been filed with the RCA. A decision was expected as of October 8, 2012 but there is no word from HEA yet. Go to to download highlights of the proposed changes and RCA/HEA filing documents.

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