HEA Board of Directors Election Ballots will be mailed to members on Friday. Your vte is vitally important. We believe these superior candidates deserve your support:
David Thomas
(District 1: Kenai, Nikiski, parts of Soldotna area)
Dick Waisanen
(District 2: Soldotna, Sterling, part of Kasilof)
Malcolm Gaylord
(District 3: part of Kasilof and south to Kachemak Bay area)
For too many years our electric coop Board was pretty much a closed club simply because few HEA members took much interest. Most didn’t even bother to vote on who would represent them. Consequently, members were provided little information and management did pretty much what it wanted, decisions rubber stamped by the Board. We believe that cost us all a lot of money in the form of higher rates and questionable management practices and almost entangled us in the failed Healy 2 coal plant.
Things have improved since then. The Healy 2 debacle opened a lot of eyes and encouraged many HEA members to speak out for more open governance and better accountability. Over the last three or four years almost all new people have come to serve on the HEA Board of Directors. Communication with the membership is getting better.
But there’s still room for improvement. After Healy 2, the largest change in HEA history was made without significant input from the membership. The Independent Light project committed us to converting our Distribution Cooperative into a Generation and Transmission Cooperative, $180 million in new debt, and continuing dependence on natural gas. Its merits or flaws aside, such a huge change should have been proposed and explained to HEA members in advance and approved or rejected by their vote.
Let’s keep moving toward more open governance and better member involvement by electing Directors truly dedicated to member control -- people capable of independent thinking who will not simply follow management’s lead.
Vote for
David Thomas (District 1) Dick Waisanen (District 2) Malcolm Gaylord (District 3)
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