Monday, February 15, 2010

District 3 HEA Directors Meet & Greet

Thanks to all of you who turned out last night to meet and talk with Bill Fry and Mike Wiley, our two new representatives on the HEA Board. While it was very informal, people felt free to voice some of their interests and concerns about the future of our cooperative. It gave Mike and Bill a preliminary look at the kinds of issues you are interested in and provided an opportunity to give us some sense of their own thinking. It will be important for you all to keep the HEA Board apprised of your feelings as they move forward with the many changes ahead for HEA. Everything they do will affect each one of us -- for better or worse.

As I mentioned at last night's meeting, HEA has made many changes to the website to make it more user friendly and useful to members. There is a new video tour of Nikiski natural gas plant -- one of the topics discussed last night. Try to take some time to check out that and the rest of the website. If you find things that need improvement or have suggestions for other things to add, you can send them to Director of Member and Administrative Services, Chris Kastella (ckastella (email @) or 235.3302). Chris has been very good about seeing that member suggestions get plugged in.

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