The Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA), seeks comment (Docket R-09-001).
Your input is needed by 4:00 PM Monday, July 13, 2009
Proposed Net Metering Standards require HEA and other large utilities to allow you to reduce home or business electric bills by installing wind turbines, solar panels, or other alternative technologies.
How does net metering work?
Your renewable energy system is connected to the HEA grid. You save money by subtracting the value of the energy you create from your utility bill. If you produce more energy than you use, you receive a credit for the next billing cycle.
Write your comments today -- request these 3 changes:
No special charges for customers who produce renewable energy. As proposed, standards allow utilities to charge net metering customers an added fee. This undermines the point of net metering and will discourage participation.
Adopt an annual billing cycle for net metering. The proposed billing cycle is monthly. It should be annual to give you maximum benefit from high seasonal solar and wind production peaks.
Cap the number of renewable energy systems based on peak demand. The proposed standards limit net metered energy to 1.5% of the utility’s average demand. Total capacity limit for net metered systems should be set at 1% of the utility’s peak demand (when power use is highest). A larger cap means more people benefit and it will allow our renewable energy economy to grow.
Submit your comments to:
(scroll down to R-09-001 and click far right box, “submit comments”) or mail them to:
The Regulatory Commission of Alaska
701 W. Eighth Ave. Suite 300
Anchorage, Alaska, 99501
For alternative communication formats to comment, please contact Joyce
McGowan at

send a request via electronic mail to rca.mail (email @)
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