HEA Board Vacancy Update
The following people applied to fill Brian Hirsch's Board seat:
Rick Foster
Robert "Bob" Burns
Douglas "Doug" Stark
Don Seelinger
Steve Franklin
Applicant interviews were conducted on Monday, July 13. As of the July 14 Board meeting no selection had been made. There appears to be significant disagreement among sitting Board members over which applicant is best qualified.
HEA Board Meeting
Representative Paul Seaton attended the July 14 Board meeting to discuss contents of his May 13 letter to the Board. In essence, he stated that the letter was not meant as a criticism of HEA policy but rather was notification that he would no longer attempt to explain HEA policy to irate constituents. Seaton explained that he and his staff lacked the expertise needed to clarify actions and intent of HEA Board and management so would refer all future inquiries directly to HEA.
General Manager Brad Janorschke provided a copy of his July 14 report (see below) to the Board from the July 14 meeting. It gives an overview of some things discussed. We have circled items of special interest in red. Perhaps most notable is the news of rapid progress on the Mt. Spur geothermal lease potential evaluation.
HEA Website Redesign
There has been a good deal of work done to improve the HEA website. Many changes reflect input of HEA members and will make the site more user friendly. Check it out at http://www.homerelectric.com/ and if you have comments or other suggestions contact Joe Gallagher at jgallagher( email @) homerelectric.com or 283-2324.
Forum for Homer Electric Association member/owners to post, discuss and comment on matters pertaining to the present and future operation and management of our member owned cooperative.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
July 14, 2009
Wow, what a terrific summer we are having. I hope all of you have been taking advantage of this weather before the reduction in daylight hours becomes too easily noticeable. With the recent warm weather, it has been unseasonably dry so please keep this in mind as there has been a rash of wildland fires lately that have been assisted by the dry conditions. Although many of our employees have been busy with summer vacations, we have still managed to keep projects moving toward completion.
Some of the highlights over the past few weeks include the following:
1. Financial Update – HEA’s May, 2009 monthly margin of just over $309,800 reflects a rebound in our year to date margins to $1.4 million. The new total is within approximately 14% of forecasted margins of $1.7 million.
Members have been informed on their June and July bills about the new rates going into effect July 1, 2009. Press releases have also been issued explaining the 1.84% decrease in Base Rates, the WPCRA increase from 3.970 cents to 4.439 cents per kWh and the Regulatory Cost Charge (RCC) increase from .0362 cents to .0432 cents per kWh.
2. Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) Railbelt Integrated Resource Plan (RIRP) – AEA held their Technical Conference July 8th and 9th. As of this writing, I attended the first day of the program that included a status report on the Regional Integrated Resource Plan (RIRP) from AEA and Black & Veatch, reports from representatives of Chugach Electric Association and an update from Usibelli Coal. Several HEA Directors, along with myself, will have additional comments on this conference at the Board Meeting. Some interesting tidbits presented include:
By the end of 2010, enough data will have been collected to indicate whether a 100 MW geothermal project is a viable option on Mount Spur;
400 MWs of new generation will be required to replace the currently aging fleet over the next 15 years;
Tidal and wave technology is expected to be commercialized within the next 5-7 years;
The South Central Alaska Power Project (SCAPP or South Anchorage) is expected to be online sometime in 2013 at a cost of $450M;
Stored hydro electric energy used to meet demand during peak periods is extremely valuable;
Long term, we must reduce our expose to the price volatility of natural gas;
Natural gas will continue to be a significant component in meeting our future energy
3. Natural Gas Supply Company – As I mentioned last month, representatives from HEA met with the Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority (ANGDA) about the creation of the Natural Gas Supply Company (NGSC). We recently received a Confidentiality Agreement from NGSC which would permit disclosure of confidential information that has been acquired by ANGDA. By next week staff should have a recommendation on HEA’s membership in the not-for-profit natural gas supply and/or services cooperative.
4. Power Supply Update – Great news! HEA was able to secure the services of the Owner’s Engineer position with the individual mentioned last month. We are excited to bring Mr. Flynt on board and we expect his arrival around or before mid August. Filling this position at the present time is key if we are to stay on schedule. In addition to filling this position and working on several other related tasks, we have initiated the process of obtaining required environmental permits. As with any generation project, obtaining permits in a timely manner will be critical.
5. Renewables Update:
Wind Power Update – Significant activity continues on two projects in particular. The first being Fire Island whereby Wind Energy Alaska (WEA) continues their efforts to obtain the permits necessary to expand the project to roughly 50 MWs and work out the challenges of integrating the non-firm source of energy into the transmission grid. Last I heard the completion date has been pushed back to 2011.
The other wind project that is gaining momentum is the Kenai Winds (i.e. BQ Energy) Project located in Nikiski. Compared to Fire Island, this project is much smaller and therefore should be much easier to integrate with the existing electrical infrastructure. This project is expected to be on-line before Fire Island and is worth getting excited
Small Scale Hydro (Kenai Hydro, LLC) Update – Field data collection activities continue at Grant Lake and Falls Creek. As mentioned last month, these activities will include foot surveys for fish aggregation, stream gauging and instantaneous water flow measurements. Data collected over the next 4 months will assist in re-establishing stream hydrology and assist with building the stream flow model required by the agencies to determine project impact. In addition, work continues on two FERC required documents (Notice of Intent and the Preliminary Application Document). The permit application is lengthy and I would anticipate that if after two years of analysis and successful receipt of all required permits, the economics of these projects will be the same as almost all other hydro projects. Grant funding, or some creative financing, will be necessary to make them economically viable. Updates on this hydro project can be found at www.kenaihydro.com.
6. BOD Workshop – Special thanks to all the directors who found time to attend the Board Workshop held two weeks ago. Mr. Aadland had nothing but complements describing the participating Directors and I was very pleased with the questions and discussion during the afternoon session that I attended. I hope everyone in attendance felt the workshop was a good use of their time.
7. Chugach Electric Association (CEA) Rate Case – It appears CEA is projecting the following
increase to their members:
CEA Retail customers 5.4%
HEA 7.8%
MEA 2.0%
Seward 9.7%
MEA’s projected increase is lower because:
Their increase was larger in the previous rate case and as a result, CEA sees us as just “catching-up”; and
HEA’s load has not materially increased, while MEA’s has. As a result, MEA has more kWh & W to spread the fixed costs over. There are decided advantages to a growing electrical system. CEA is very interested in settling the issues between us. They realize how beneficial it was in the previous rate case. There will be $450,000 included in the 2010 budget for the CEA rate case.
8. Facilities Plan – At the July Operations Committee meeting, I anticipate having a Facilities Evaluation/Plan completed for Committee review. Our goal is to continue with ongoing required maintenance between now and 2014 with the intent of not making any significant investment in building facilities until after our new generation resources have been constructed.
9. HEA Rate Case Update – The Depreciation Study, the first component of the Rate Case, is finalized and upon acceptance by the Board of Directors will be filed with the RCA. As a result of the Study, we anticipate a reduction in depreciation expense in future years. Data collection continues for the Equity Management Plan which is the second component of the Rate Case. Using projected power costs, load forecasts and our long range capital plan, RW Beck will forecast our equity levels over the next 10 years. This is an essential tool needed to determine our revenue requirements portion of the HEA Rate Case. RW Beck will present an update of the Equity Management Plan at the August Board meeting. The Cost of Service and Rate Design elements follow the Equity Management Plan for presentation later this fall.
As usual, please feel free to give me a call anytime with questions. I look forward to seeing you next Tuesday evening in Homer.
July 14, 2009
Wow, what a terrific summer we are having. I hope all of you have been taking advantage of this weather before the reduction in daylight hours becomes too easily noticeable. With the recent warm weather, it has been unseasonably dry so please keep this in mind as there has been a rash of wildland fires lately that have been assisted by the dry conditions. Although many of our employees have been busy with summer vacations, we have still managed to keep projects moving toward completion.
Some of the highlights over the past few weeks include the following:
1. Financial Update – HEA’s May, 2009 monthly margin of just over $309,800 reflects a rebound in our year to date margins to $1.4 million. The new total is within approximately 14% of forecasted margins of $1.7 million.
Members have been informed on their June and July bills about the new rates going into effect July 1, 2009. Press releases have also been issued explaining the 1.84% decrease in Base Rates, the WPCRA increase from 3.970 cents to 4.439 cents per kWh and the Regulatory Cost Charge (RCC) increase from .0362 cents to .0432 cents per kWh.
2. Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) Railbelt Integrated Resource Plan (RIRP) – AEA held their Technical Conference July 8th and 9th. As of this writing, I attended the first day of the program that included a status report on the Regional Integrated Resource Plan (RIRP) from AEA and Black & Veatch, reports from representatives of Chugach Electric Association and an update from Usibelli Coal. Several HEA Directors, along with myself, will have additional comments on this conference at the Board Meeting. Some interesting tidbits presented include:
By the end of 2010, enough data will have been collected to indicate whether a 100 MW geothermal project is a viable option on Mount Spur;
400 MWs of new generation will be required to replace the currently aging fleet over the next 15 years;
Tidal and wave technology is expected to be commercialized within the next 5-7 years;
The South Central Alaska Power Project (SCAPP or South Anchorage) is expected to be online sometime in 2013 at a cost of $450M;
Stored hydro electric energy used to meet demand during peak periods is extremely valuable;
Long term, we must reduce our expose to the price volatility of natural gas;
Natural gas will continue to be a significant component in meeting our future energy
3. Natural Gas Supply Company – As I mentioned last month, representatives from HEA met with the Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority (ANGDA) about the creation of the Natural Gas Supply Company (NGSC). We recently received a Confidentiality Agreement from NGSC which would permit disclosure of confidential information that has been acquired by ANGDA. By next week staff should have a recommendation on HEA’s membership in the not-for-profit natural gas supply and/or services cooperative.
4. Power Supply Update – Great news! HEA was able to secure the services of the Owner’s Engineer position with the individual mentioned last month. We are excited to bring Mr. Flynt on board and we expect his arrival around or before mid August. Filling this position at the present time is key if we are to stay on schedule. In addition to filling this position and working on several other related tasks, we have initiated the process of obtaining required environmental permits. As with any generation project, obtaining permits in a timely manner will be critical.
5. Renewables Update:
Wind Power Update – Significant activity continues on two projects in particular. The first being Fire Island whereby Wind Energy Alaska (WEA) continues their efforts to obtain the permits necessary to expand the project to roughly 50 MWs and work out the challenges of integrating the non-firm source of energy into the transmission grid. Last I heard the completion date has been pushed back to 2011.
The other wind project that is gaining momentum is the Kenai Winds (i.e. BQ Energy) Project located in Nikiski. Compared to Fire Island, this project is much smaller and therefore should be much easier to integrate with the existing electrical infrastructure. This project is expected to be on-line before Fire Island and is worth getting excited
Small Scale Hydro (Kenai Hydro, LLC) Update – Field data collection activities continue at Grant Lake and Falls Creek. As mentioned last month, these activities will include foot surveys for fish aggregation, stream gauging and instantaneous water flow measurements. Data collected over the next 4 months will assist in re-establishing stream hydrology and assist with building the stream flow model required by the agencies to determine project impact. In addition, work continues on two FERC required documents (Notice of Intent and the Preliminary Application Document). The permit application is lengthy and I would anticipate that if after two years of analysis and successful receipt of all required permits, the economics of these projects will be the same as almost all other hydro projects. Grant funding, or some creative financing, will be necessary to make them economically viable. Updates on this hydro project can be found at www.kenaihydro.com.
6. BOD Workshop – Special thanks to all the directors who found time to attend the Board Workshop held two weeks ago. Mr. Aadland had nothing but complements describing the participating Directors and I was very pleased with the questions and discussion during the afternoon session that I attended. I hope everyone in attendance felt the workshop was a good use of their time.
7. Chugach Electric Association (CEA) Rate Case – It appears CEA is projecting the following
increase to their members:
CEA Retail customers 5.4%
HEA 7.8%
MEA 2.0%
Seward 9.7%
MEA’s projected increase is lower because:
Their increase was larger in the previous rate case and as a result, CEA sees us as just “catching-up”; and
HEA’s load has not materially increased, while MEA’s has. As a result, MEA has more kWh & W to spread the fixed costs over. There are decided advantages to a growing electrical system. CEA is very interested in settling the issues between us. They realize how beneficial it was in the previous rate case. There will be $450,000 included in the 2010 budget for the CEA rate case.
8. Facilities Plan – At the July Operations Committee meeting, I anticipate having a Facilities Evaluation/Plan completed for Committee review. Our goal is to continue with ongoing required maintenance between now and 2014 with the intent of not making any significant investment in building facilities until after our new generation resources have been constructed.
9. HEA Rate Case Update – The Depreciation Study, the first component of the Rate Case, is finalized and upon acceptance by the Board of Directors will be filed with the RCA. As a result of the Study, we anticipate a reduction in depreciation expense in future years. Data collection continues for the Equity Management Plan which is the second component of the Rate Case. Using projected power costs, load forecasts and our long range capital plan, RW Beck will forecast our equity levels over the next 10 years. This is an essential tool needed to determine our revenue requirements portion of the HEA Rate Case. RW Beck will present an update of the Equity Management Plan at the August Board meeting. The Cost of Service and Rate Design elements follow the Equity Management Plan for presentation later this fall.
As usual, please feel free to give me a call anytime with questions. I look forward to seeing you next Tuesday evening in Homer.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Net Metering Comments Needed
Alaska State Net Metering Standards Proposed
The Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA), seeks comment (Docket R-09-001).
Your input is needed by 4:00 PM Monday, July 13, 2009
Proposed Net Metering Standards require HEA and other large utilities to allow you to reduce home or business electric bills by installing wind turbines, solar panels, or other alternative technologies.
How does net metering work?
Your renewable energy system is connected to the HEA grid. You save money by subtracting the value of the energy you create from your utility bill. If you produce more energy than you use, you receive a credit for the next billing cycle.
Write your comments today -- request these 3 changes:
No special charges for customers who produce renewable energy. As proposed, standards allow utilities to charge net metering customers an added fee. This undermines the point of net metering and will discourage participation.
Adopt an annual billing cycle for net metering. The proposed billing cycle is monthly. It should be annual to give you maximum benefit from high seasonal solar and wind production peaks.
Cap the number of renewable energy systems based on peak demand. The proposed standards limit net metered energy to 1.5% of the utility’s average demand. Total capacity limit for net metered systems should be set at 1% of the utility’s peak demand (when power use is highest). A larger cap means more people benefit and it will allow our renewable energy economy to grow.
Submit your comments to:
(scroll down to R-09-001 and click far right box, “submit comments”) or mail them to:
The Regulatory Commission of Alaska
701 W. Eighth Ave. Suite 300
Anchorage, Alaska, 99501
For alternative communication formats to comment, please contact Joyce
McGowan at

(907) 276-6222
, toll-free at 

, or TTY 

(907) 276-4533
, or
send a request via electronic mail to rca.mail (email @) alaska.gov
The Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA), seeks comment (Docket R-09-001).
Your input is needed by 4:00 PM Monday, July 13, 2009
Proposed Net Metering Standards require HEA and other large utilities to allow you to reduce home or business electric bills by installing wind turbines, solar panels, or other alternative technologies.
How does net metering work?
Your renewable energy system is connected to the HEA grid. You save money by subtracting the value of the energy you create from your utility bill. If you produce more energy than you use, you receive a credit for the next billing cycle.
Write your comments today -- request these 3 changes:
No special charges for customers who produce renewable energy. As proposed, standards allow utilities to charge net metering customers an added fee. This undermines the point of net metering and will discourage participation.
Adopt an annual billing cycle for net metering. The proposed billing cycle is monthly. It should be annual to give you maximum benefit from high seasonal solar and wind production peaks.
Cap the number of renewable energy systems based on peak demand. The proposed standards limit net metered energy to 1.5% of the utility’s average demand. Total capacity limit for net metered systems should be set at 1% of the utility’s peak demand (when power use is highest). A larger cap means more people benefit and it will allow our renewable energy economy to grow.
Submit your comments to:
(scroll down to R-09-001 and click far right box, “submit comments”) or mail them to:
The Regulatory Commission of Alaska
701 W. Eighth Ave. Suite 300
Anchorage, Alaska, 99501
For alternative communication formats to comment, please contact Joyce
McGowan at

send a request via electronic mail to rca.mail (email @) alaska.gov
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